Monday, December 29, 2008

1st First Friday of 2009!

This First Friday, you can catch me at Roosevelt row with The Art Consortium. I'll tell you more about the Art Consortium later. Until then, you can stew in the mystery.

Anyway, you can find me and the Consortium artists over at the Art Consort booths on Roosevelt row.

Some of the work you can see there:

Maynard Breese:

Jerry Crow:


Dawn Mercato

Sienna Morris:

And more....
See you there!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

House of Animals

Kay just recently got a new puppy: Half Siberian Husky and half German Shepard. We call her Marla, after Marla Singer from Fight Club. Naming her that; we should have known she'd be crazy.

We now have two dogs and two cats in the house. I introduce to you the animals. I'm leaving out Ed, but I can't find him. He's an old bastard cat and ever since we got the crazy pup, he tends to hide.

Marla, looking innocent and cute, but don't let her fool ya'.....

She can be viscous.

Priest, the Bed Dog....

Who can also be viscous when he wants to.

Harley. This is his attack pose.

He also thinks he owns my chair.....and everything else in the house.

Christmas in Arizona

First of all, it's cold. I know you wouldn't expect that in Arizona, but is in fact cold. It's not snowing or anything, but it's definitely winter out here. Our friends up in Washington and Portland are snowed in, which I kind of envy, actually. Cold without snow is like a giant tease.

So last night we all went over to Mike and Lesley's for Christmas Eve. He and Lesley threw together a pretty cool Christmas bash. Honestly, I don't remember the last time a group of people that big laughed so much. At one point, I thought the alcohol might be suspect. Is there laughing juice in here? Apparently not. I was told this is what fun is called. Who knew?

The party was fun. There was a present swap. I somehow got the bag with hemorrhoid cream. More laughter ensued. My face hurt after about 10 seconds.

Doc, Andy and Sam got blasted. Doc was hilarious. The most memorable drunk moment between them was white boy impov rap. That's right; rap. Andy gave a beat while Doc and Sam teed off. Oh.. the things that were said in that rap. No, Doc, I won't repeat them here, and no, I won't include the picture either. ;) That piece of evidence, I leave to you to do with what you will.

Under Mike and Lesley's Christmas tree was a box to "The Tom Billings Foundation", which is our new Non Profit Org. They gave it to us before we left. I'm still blown away with their present. A camera. They gave us a Nikon digital camera and it'll rock your socks off. I've been playing with it all day.

Christmas day, everyone was pretty beat, but it was a nice day; Turkey, Russian Holiday bread, a Christmas tree over a pile of presents. I got shoes! Really cool shoes that fit my big ass feet!

And now, for your viewing pleasure; my day with the camera, and yes; it has time lapse on it, which is the coolest thing ever! I'm going to go play with my camera now. :)

Timelapse footage of the back alleyway and the awesome sunset. How cool is that?

Me and Marla, the crazy new puppy!
I'm wearing the scarf Marita made me.

Festive candles.

Christmas Aftermath.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Last Weekend Before Christmas

It's almost Christmastime! I'm not sure how that happened. Is it just me, or has December been going by really fast?
I'm looking forward to 2009. Everything has been looking up for the end of 2008 and I think it'll just keep going that way. From the looks of it, I might have some exciting news come January.

Well, you can catch me one last time before Christmas this weekend over at Mighty Cup N Spoon. I must say, my prints are great Christmas presents. :)

If you mention this blog, I will give you a free small print with any purchase of an 11" x 14" Giclee print or larger.

Mighty Cup N Spoon
Friday and Saturday 6pm to 11 pm
7021 N 57th Ave
Downtown Historical Glendale, AZ 85301
(623) 915-5595

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Numberism T Shirts

I've been wanting to do this for a while, and with the help of Zephar, I'm now able to make TShirts from my Numberism series. :)
The first run ("Falling To Pieces" in a few styles) is up at RedBubble.

In the future, I'd like to print my artwork on purses and other accessories. I'm still looking for a printer that strikes my fancy in that arena.

They come in many colors, not just the ones you see here.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wish List- I got my Portfolio Bag!

So I'm planning on going around to galleries in Downtown Phoenix this week, so I broke and bought a portfolio bag for myself. It's really nice. Black, with a hard casing for protection and it fits my prints perfectly. :) Yeah! I got it at Arizona Art Supply, which is officially my new art store.

The Kiss

I've finished my first pen version of Numberism, using Rodin's sculpture of The Kiss. I've changed it about a little. The numbers falling off is the moment in transition. Even these moments of passion and pleasure are fleeting, so we must appreciate them now, while we still have the chance to breathe it all in.

Available for sale at and

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Holiday Art Affair in Chandler!

Next Saturday, the 13th, I'll be showing at the Fulton Towne Center in Chandler. If you're in the area, come on down to see me and say "Hello!"

The art walk is from 9am to 4pm.

Christmas Wish List

For those who want to know... This is my Christmas Wishlist.
I've edited this because I forgot about the scanner!

16 x 23"
Under $200!
The bigger the scanner bed, the better!
My scanner is acting up. :(

Carrying Case
23" x 27"

Mailing Tube

05 Tips
Sepia, Brown, Red, Orange

Storage Tubes

Print Protector

I'm easy to buy for. I always want art stuff.
Also, my all time top wishlist is a bad ass drawing table. How I dream of you, drawing table.... sigh. One day we finally be together.
This table is a bit expensive, but then again, it's a wish list, ain't it?

Or this one, which is closer to this side of affordable
30" × 42" × 30"

I also always love paper, paintbrushes, pencils, paint (acrylic/oil), Easels and clay. Pretty much, if it's arty and I can do something with it; I dig it. :)

Everything here is available at