Monday, May 31, 2010

May's over? What?

What a busy month May has been! The art walks we have been to have been a lot of fun, but that's not even the half of it! I can't believe it all fit into one month, and I'm still having a hard time believing that tomorrow is JUNE! Aiya!

Well, my biggest focus right now is the new series. I am etching away and am excited about this series more every day. It's starting to take on a life of it's own and will most likely go places I'm not expecting. It helps that a lot of my material I am getting from my photographers. I am interested in what they bring me. What they see.

I am busy busy busy preparing for our show in the fall. The big question is the speakers. We're looking for some scientific lecturers to come in and wow us with the wonder of the natural world. The question is "who". If you know of someone, send the info my way. I have a few people I am looking into, but who knows what I'll find if I ask you. :)

I just took down my work from PCA's A Rainy Day Wildfire. That was a great show, with some exceptional artists, and I was happy to be a part of it. It's also the reason for the Fall Show, "Here and Now", which I'll be exhibiting at PCA's new gallery in Pioneer Place.

There isn't all that much news in this post, just a little me update really.

Oh, wait, no there is. We are probably going to be vending at First Thursday this week in the Pearl, and at First Friday in Milwuakie. We're looking to add a few new additions to our little company, so you'll be seeing us at more shows, building up our resources for our little plans. Basically, we're saving. Wish us luck. We're always full of big ideas. It's the funding and follow through that really counts.

Okay, and now for some daring heroics..... Not really.... actually I'm just going to go draw for the rest of the day.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Art Hop on Alberta

The sun came back to play in Portland just in time for Art on Alberta's 11th Annual Art Hop!

15 blocks on Alberta will be closed to traffic and filled with over 150 artists, crafters, musicians and foodies. This event is free and runs this Saturday, May 15th, from 11 am to 6pm. There will also be a series of live murals that the public can participate in!

The sun is shining, music is playing, artists are arting, and there is so much to see. Come see me at my booth. I'm on block 14 on the North side of the street.

We've recently added a new addition to FrogFaith with our new 42" printer, whom we've dubbed "Morgan", and we've been printing all week. We will have "C25H52" , "2 AM", Tab's new manikin series, more photography from Benjamin Frothingham, as well as the usual assortment of our work.

Art on Alberta
Saturday, May 15, 2010
11am – 6pm
NE Alberta Street, Portland

"Cold People" by Tabulanis Snow ( 3D modeling and FX)

"C25H52" by Sienna Morris (Numberism Etching)

"Greenlake" by Benjamin Frothingham - Photograph

(Tabulanis will be set up at our usual spot at Saturday Market as well, with the same selection of works).

"Fibonacci's Snail" by Sienna Morris (Numberism Etching)

"2 AM" by Sienna Morris (Numberism Etching)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


(Fibonacci's Snail. Click Here To Learn About Fibonacci's Sequence)

The Universe is a complex and awe-inspiring place. It continues to challenge and surprise us at every turn, opening up new perspectives and opportunities the longer we look.

As far back as we can look into our history, we have been awe inspired by the seemingly magical world around us. Magnets. Perfect Spirals. Rainbows. Animals that live in unlivable conditions; at the Oceans floor around lava flow, worms in solid ice. The Universe thrives, against all odds. Not to mention meteors and the complex Celestial world above us.

In the past, we attributed these things to gods, magics, karma. Now, we are able to watch in wonder at our world, and then take a closer look, inspecting and decoding these wonders into something we can understand, something we can track and predict. Beneath the surface is a world teaming with information: numbers, genomes, orbital patterns. It can all be tracked. Those things we don't understand now, we will later. Our understanding evolves, and grows exponentially.

(Click Here to see a diagram of the temperature of Plasma on a candle.)

I'm just an artist. A human being with a lot of curiosity and an addiction to drawing and numbers. I'm trying to bridge the gap between the wonder we see in our every day lives and the fact that it is made of reliable, organized information. After all, it's the numbers, the code that make it beautiful.

These are 2 of my newest pieces that I will be showing in August and September with Portland City Art at Pioneer Place in Portland Oregon. They are from the Science and Math portion of the show, and are an effort to show that the beauty we see in the world around us has a method. This is the secrets beneath the beauty.

14" x 11" Scratch Board Numberism etching.

The Candle wax is drawn with the molecular make up of Paraffin ( C25H52). The flame is drawn with the temperature of plasma at it's different points on a candle (800 C - 1400 C). The woman is drawn with the numbers of the clock, 1 - 12, signifying time in this fleeting moment. All of my people in my Science and Math series will be drawn with time, as this is all we have, and all we can hope for. We are experiencing this moment as sentient human life against all odds. We might as well take advantage of it while we can.


"Fibonacci's Snail
4" x 7" Scratch Board Numberism Etching

Fibonaccis Sequence maps out a naturally occuring phenonenon that we see in nature and space. Pine Cones, Pineapples, Snails, the arrangement of seeds on a sunflower. They all follow the pattern perfectly.

Mathematically speaking, you simply start with 0 and 1 , add the two numbers to get your next number and do so again and again, adding the last 2 numbers.
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765 10946 ...
Creating a perfect spiral. This drawing is drawn with these numbers.


Both of these pieces are available as prints on our FrogFaith online gallery at

I will be exhibiting these along with the rest of my Evening Series and Math & Science Series at Pioneer Place in Portland Oregon, August and September 2010. More information coming soon. These are Numberism drawings etched on Scratch Board.