Wednesday, August 5, 2009

First Thursday @ TeaZone

This month, you can find me at The Tea Zone in Portland's Pearl District. I'm hanging prints from my series through the month of August and will be at The Tea Zone tomorrow night (First Thursday) between 6 - 10 off and on.
Come by and say hello and to see the brand new numberism piece. The new piece is called "Ceremony" and is also having it's debut in Scottsdale, AZ this month.

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

President Barack Obama's Portrait

Click the image for larger view.

Though it will arrive to him late, I drew this Numberism portrait for President Barack Obama and am sending it out today, on his birthday. It wasn't until after I decided to draw this that I realized his birthday was coming.

I listened to his political speeches while drawing this so I could better capture his character, and used the tie he wore at his acceptance speech.

Today I am sending out this unframed original drawing (to improve it's chances of getting there undamaged) with a letter reminding Obama of all that he can accomplish during his presidency. I cannot be sure if he'll ever actually receive this, so I've decided to show you now what I wrote him.


Dear Mr. President,

Though I know this will reach you late, if at all, I write to you on your 48th birthday and offer you this portrait.

This portrait is drawn with the technique I created which I am calling Numberism. It is drawn entirely with the numbers 1 through 12, marking the hours of the clock and the months of the year. With this technique, I attempt to draw a moment in our lives with all four dimensions, using the numbers to symbolize time, and stressing the quickness in which these moments pass.

Our lives are too short, and your political life as our leader, shorter still. With this portrait I supplicate that you take full advantage of every moment you have with us. Always stay true to your integrity and that of the American people, knowing that you are reflected in us and we in you. Remember that to do yourself injustice is to do the same to your people. To lie to yourself is to lie to us. To mute your own conscience is to mute us.

During your days in office, do not let the steady pressure of responsibility weigh you down; rather, let it lift you up in your journey. Each obstacle set before you is an opportunity to create change, building the future of America and of the coming generations. The potential is endless. As long as you remain grateful for your position, and eager to fulfill your vision for America, we as a people have hope. Your historical election reignited my belief in America's future. However, historical forks in the road are nothing if the right path is not taken, and if it is not fully walked.

I ask that when you glance at this portrait, let it act as a reminder of the fleetingness of your time with us, and that upon remembering, to take advantage of every moment you have left with us. Do not wait for tomorrow, and do not waiver from your dedication to us and our future. Above all, hold true to a few simple concepts: Vision, Integrity and Courage. As the days grow longer and the path harder, it will take such courage to hold strong against lesser men and lesser values.

You gained our trust and our belief. That has not wavered. We need a leader who sees opportunity in every problem, who sees hope in every day and who faces each obstacle with courage and vigor. Be that man, and your people will reward you for it. Succeed in this role, and you will set a precedent for the American people to do the same, and you will have raised the bar for all of us.

On this day, the day of your birth, and on each day that follows, I wish you the greatest luck, and remind you that you are not alone in your journey. The American people are by your side, at every fork in the road.

Thank you,

Sienna Morris

Monday, August 3, 2009

Portland Examiner Article

Copied from by Kelly Kalac

Portland's First Thursday a great exploration of art

July 31, 9:26 PM

Sienna Morris - Falling to Pieces

If you are new to Portland, and want to check out some art while exploring the city, 1st Thursday is a great way to do it.

On the first Thursday of every month (coming up this Thursday, the 6th), Downtown Portland and the Pearl District keep galleries open later than usual and for free, from 6-9 pm. You can take in some exquisite art while sampling wine and cheeses.

During the hotter months you can also find: street vendors selling arts and crafts, musicians, and even carnies practicing their arts on street corners. Last month the energy and creativity was amazing. The image above is a piece created by an artist who was vending her work on the street at last month's First Thursday.

This piece, Falling to Pieces, is beautiful from the first glance, but up close it is quite intricate. The entire piece is made using the numbers one through twelve. It is part of Sienna Morris's series Numberism, which uses the numbers found on a clock face to express fleeting moments in time.

To see more artists like Morris, go to First Thursday this month. Enjoy!

For More info on First Thursday: check out the Galleries site, or find a map here.

For more info on Sienna Morris: check out her website.