Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Crafty Art

This past week or so, everyone here at our little gallery has been working on crafty items with our artwork.

We started by taking a trip to the Rebuilding Center and Scrap, which is another non for profit which sells used art supplies for pennies on the dollar. We found a lot more items and ideas then I expected, and then we started crafting all over the place... There are many more crafty items that we've been working on, but here's a few to give you a peek before they're all available. (Some are available on etsy now).

First, here are a few of the necklaces we made. Most of them are made using ceramic tile and images from our artwork. One of them is under glass, which I'm very happy with and plan on making more of just as soon as I get a handle on the whole cutting glass thing. The edge is lined with twisted metal which came out much prettier than I anticipated.

I wasn't sure how these would come out, as generally I haven't focused much on mixed media or crafts (I'm always using a pencil or brush), but I think the fact that I keep wearing them is a good sign that it went well.

You can see them at my Etsy store at www.SiennaMorris.Etsy.com

We also made "hangable art" from tile as well, like these. They are all about 3 or 4 inches and ended up showing off the numberism detail as well as the color depth of Tab's pieces quite well.

And fun little extras like magnets and key chains. Doc keeps eying the key chains. I think I'll have to let him keep one of them...

So that's a peek for now. The whole crafting thing is much more enjoyable then I thought. It's very relaxing and low stress. I can sit down and make a few necklaces while I'm taking a break from working/drawing (I don't like being idle for too long... it's a bad scene).

Anyway, I think I'll keep this up, so if you have any requests that you want to see on necklaces, or something else you have in mind, the feedback is welcome.

I'm sure most of these will be available on my Etsy account soon enough. In fact, I might make a new one just for our crafty side.

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